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Засветы девушек между красивых ног

reggi | 1 комментарий | 197 319 просмотров


If you educate a girl, you give light to the whole community.The PAGES project is an initiative that supports girls’ education in the Afar region of Ethiopia. 500 Little Sun solar lamps will be given to kids living without access to electricity, thanks to Save the Children and DFID.


Energy poverty especially affects girls and women in rural areas. This is because females living in off- grid communities usually spend a lot of time doing domestic activities, so they suffer a higher level of exposure to smoke from kerosene, which causes indoor air pollution and huge health problems. Women and girls’ are also often forced into situations where their personal safety is at risk, because they do not have light to guide them when they are outside in the dark. Many girls need to walk back home from school after sunset, and collect firewood and fetch water in the evenings, which can leave them susceptible to attacks.

15 августа 2015 09:37
ухты а мне 11 лет а тут такое
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